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to users of AutoCAD 15-18 (Acad 2000 - 2012)
Renovation 03.01.2011 GEOL_DH OVERVIEW

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Main paragraphs Other paragraphs

initial data
total grade intervals
sections and plans
reserve calculationrounding numbers
graphic logs
objects information

numerical database creation
vertical blastholes
dip-strike symbols
block model
usage of applications
example of graphics

GEOL_DH toolpack (hereinafter referred to as the program) is intended for graphical representation of geological, surveyor and calculation data for small and average deposits (approximately 40'000 - 60'000 and more assay intervals in one drawing) in the environment of AutoCAD™ 2000 - 2011 and its extensions.

Initial data

Excavation geometry data, analytical, geological and geophysical information is read from database text files (coordinates and angles of drillhole traces, FROM-TO values for sampling intervals and rocks with corresponding data on assay results, rock codes and geophysical data). Verification of data accuracy and integrity is carried out. Following measurement units are supported: g/t, g/m3 and percent by weight.

Drawing drillhole traces and intervals

Excavation traces and also assay and rock intervals, geopoint data are plotted in three-dimensional space. Database information and calculation values (e.g. coordinates of the ends of an interval) are appended to description of created object and used for object annotation.

Creation of three-dimensional lines, offset by specified distance to left or (and) right, is carried out for excavation traces and assay intervals. Lines lock onto the ends of an interval.

Corresponding IDs for the search and quick slice creation can be assigned to the other geological objects (faults, rock boundaries, etc.), which were drawn manually by user.

Annotation of traces and intervals

Excavation traces, assay and rock intervals, geopoints and results of reserve calculation are supplied with various annotations (e.g. identifiers and lengths of excavations, lengths of assay intervals, data of assay by 3-4 elements, rock codes, results of reserve calculation and so on).

Performing graphical illustration of assay results (by a bar graph at right angle to interval and by circles), rock codes (by color stripe along interval or hatch), etc. Assay results are annotated along excavation as well as in empty space of drawing (in column), for required ranges of excavation.

Also performs annotation of ore intervals, elevation lines and reserves by block (including colored one by specified ranges of element grades).

Total grade intervals calculation

Now you can calculate total (summary) grade intervals by selecting grade intervals by hand or automatically by user conditions.

Sections and slice plans

Slice plans (slices) and vertical sections are specified by elevation number or section line on plan, with distance from level or section line to clipping planes. For inclined cross-sections, in addition, section plane inclination must be specified.

Only information contained within the two specified clipping planes will be shown. Also ground surface line and section elevations grid can be plotted by section and a flat section plan with grid can be created with two-dimensional traces of drillholes and coordinate grid.

Reserve calculation

Weighted average grades are calculated from user-defined sequential series of assay intervals with text annotation together with leader and stripe along interval length.

Parameters of ore intervals on sections (weighted average grades, thicknesses, and angles) are calculated from user-defined contour of block and centerline of dip of ore body. At the same time are built elevation lines within contours of ore body at specified levels, to be used further for building orebody level plan.

For ore intervals, capping of outlier grades are provided, averaging-out of 2 ore intervals also can be done. Ore interval values are interpolated onto elevation lines which have editable assay result fields.

Reserve calculation by ore intervals in calculation block can be done in section, vertical or horizontal projection. Reserve calculation in ore block by assay intervals is done for explicitly defined block thickness or along with interval filtering (only intervals between user-defined levels are accounted). For mining planning purposes, level reserve calculation can be accomplished (by elevation lines and/or blasthole ring lines). Reserve calculation contours can have annotations (blocks with attributes with color fill corresponding to grades).

Reserve calculation is performed by arithmetical mean or weighted average (by thickness or length) method.

Outlier grade capping can be done by ore intervals or by block in two ways (simple exchange or definition of capping threshold in percentage of MC (metergramm) sum in interval or block).

The reserves can be also calculated by ore intervals, weighted by the area of Voronoi polygons (on sections, vertical or horizontal projections).

Rounding numbers.

Rounding of the results (numbers) based on the assay data (for calculation of total (summary) and ore intervals, reserves and others) is done by statistical rules. When the last significant digit is equal to five, the nearest digit on its left is increased by 1, if it is odd or it is not changed if it is even (even number rule).

This is different from rounding in AutoCAD where a preceding digit is always increased by 1 if the last digit is equal to 5 and allows avoiding overestimation of reserves during calculation.

Notes: Lengths, coordinates, areas and other linear values are rounded by AutoCAD rules.

Drillhole graphic logs

Drillhole graphic log (includes absolute elevations, distance from collar, interval lengths, assay values, automatic hatching of rocks, geophysical data, etc) can be created from data on excavation traces, rock intervals, assay intervals and geopoint data, it is possible to draw only graphic log with rocks or parts of log (FROM-TO). Any sequence and width of columns can be assigned for the assay log.

Objects information and look-up

After creation of traces and intervals, calculation of ore intervals, blocks, etc it is possible to look up any information contained in database, by pointing to an object generated by GEOL_DH, and also to look up calculation values (e.g. coordinates of the ends of an interval, MC (metergramm), reserves, etc). Preliminary object annotation is not necessary.

Statistical information on loaded and calculation objects is carried out, as well output to a text file object coordinates (all vertices of traces and intervals, points with geodata), together with other data (calculation and/or initial).

By means of AutoCAD™ it is possible to examine analytical and geological information from any point and in required perspective.

Numerical database creation

Surveyor and geological numerical database creation from scanned sampling plans and other drawings.

The program assigns extended data for user-created three-dimensional excavation traces (sampling lines), draws and assigns assay results and rock codes to assay and rock intervals (including within user-defined contours). Interval geometry is read from previously defined traces.

Finally it builds the numerical database from drawn objects (writing data on traces and intervals to text files with delimiters).

Vertical blastholes

For open pit mining of deposits is provided processing data on vertical blastholes.

Creating rectangular array of points (holes) inside outline, assigning elevation to points inside outline by triangulation network built by points with known Z coordinates.

Loading complete data of blasting blocks and holes from file (identifiers, levels, coordinates, assay results and other data) or preliminary assignment of identifiers and planned levels to previously drawn points and loading assay data for them from file.

Performing also annotation of holes (identifiers, hole lengths, elevation of collars, assay results) and calculation of reserves and work content by specified outlines with some statistical data on calculation block.


For horizontal mining excavations directly in plan are calculated ore intervals (by sampling lines or horizontal holes) and also if necessary are created parallel blasthole ring lines inside outline of ore body (block).

Values of ore intervals and/or elevations lines are interpolated on blasthole ring lines. So that it is possible to interpolate ore interval values in any point of orebody.

The program performs annotation of intervals, blasthole ring lines and and reserve calculation contours (including colored one by specified ranges of element grades) and reserve calculation by ore intervals and blasthole ring lines. Tonnage of operational (minable) ore mass (ore, losses of ore, dilution) and metal reserves, which this mass contains, are calculated based on exploration outline of ore body and mined (or blast) outline.

Dip-strike symbols

Drawing (including drawing using text file data), annotation, editing, search and statistical processing of results (generation of circle dot diagram and rose diagram, search for the main direction of stone excavation). Example.

. Quarries

There is an option of cutting blocks of stone in operational contour as well as search option of optimum block dimension and location of contour. The blocks are divided into classes depending on presence of discontinuities ( faults, cracks etc.) which cross them and annotated by hatching. Size of columns and/or block rows as well as quality classes can be changed. Total reserves of stone are calculated in a contour and for each quality class, also other statistical data from the contour are displayed. Example.

Block model

Loading data from text file, editing of ID, annotation of blocks, viewing slices, reserve calculation. Example.

. Miscellaneous

The program is supplied with help file (can be launched directly from OS) and other auxiliary facilities:

  • program settings available through dialog box;
  • GEOL_DH objects sorting;
  • block replacement;
  • building coordinate and elevation grids;
  • rocks legend creation;
  • creation of planes by 3 points and calculation of dip and strike azimuths and dip angles for them;.
  • conversion of three-dimensional polylines to planar polylines;
  • search and highlight of contours of ore bodies, calculation blocks, drillhole traces and geological object by location (section) or identifier, regardless of their visibility on screen;
  • building proposed drillholes from user-drawn lines.
  • searching intervals to compare sampling results (core, channel, sludge sampling) and loading search results in text file.

To the program developed rock hatches by next standards:

  • Geological documentation. Rock hatches by “Instruction on organization and production of geologic and surveyor operations…” (RF) GDHISO.PAT file (93 pcs)
  • Construction documentation. Rock hatches by RF GOST 21.302-96 and STP “Dal'stroyproekt” institute 43-36-62-86. ENGEOISO.PAT file (81 pcs)
  • Mining documentation. Rock hatches by RF GOST 2.857-75. MINEISO.PAT file (66 pcs)

The program supports 2 languages. Default language for commands is English, while messages, warnings and dialogue boxes are displayed by default in Russian (for syscodepage ANSI 1251), for another syscodepage in English. Help on Russian and English.
The program GEOL_DH uses same interface and command execution conventions as AutoCAD.

Usage of applications

GEOL_DH usage is more effective in conjunction with certain applications from KAI-2001 toolpack (browsing through layers, object creation from text file data, section (profile) creation, block hatching of contour, attribute aligning, drawing objects sorting by color, solid body surfaces creation, forming and calculation of blasthole ring etc).

Example of graphics, drawn by program

graphics example

See also images of parameter dialogue boxes on page GEOL_DH structure.

Program development and modification time: 2000-2012.

  Full or partial use of site materials requires attribution ©2002-2012

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